.bk A10 .fl H616lka.j .fd f,q,q-items,v .ed H616 .ei lka .rd H616 .ri lka f 8 2 ad hard fill in N part of square. 9 1 ts huge vertical section of W. part of square. 10 3 p3 stones collected in bottom of gulley wash 11 3 a packed dirt trodden by humans as a road; underneath stone/sherd layer f 10. 12 2 l2 dark ashy accum., some bones and sherds. 13 5 ta includes sherds, bones. q 7 pbc 5 5 4 200N 300W 8534 25 topsoil 8 pb 2 3 5 400 400 topsoil 9 p 9 1 ts 10 pb 12 2 ashy accum. .ri fab 11 pb 11 3 5 400 400 8504 25 12 p 9 1 .ri lka r k2 2 SW boundary corner t 1617 469 1618 452 8579 112 k2 3 NW corner boundary t 1620 363 1618 49 8588 101 q7 4 t 1621 316 1622 67 8579 45 q8 5 t 1622 388 1619 151 8588 23 q 2.1 cl 1.4 3 3 near center of square 2.2 cl 2 2 2.5 1.1 fg 2.7 4 3 4.2 four quarters, lean torso, breast ridge very pronounced 1.2 ca 3 7 5 3 sherd with possible inscription box. 1.3 li 7 6 3 pounding stone 1.4 ca 2 3 2 (2 pieces) flat on one side, plaster? 1.5 ca 3.7 4 3 1.5 possibly modelled; thumbprint, lines scored in. 2.3 ca 2 3 2 possible figurine 2.4 ca 2.5 6 5 3 2.5 cl 3 4 3 rounded, marks of matting or cloth. 5.1 fg 4 6 hollowed? 1.6 wh broken 8.1 ca 5 7 6 cart fragment. .ri fab v 2a W vf 4/vk 1,2,3,5 2b m E vf 4/vk 1,2,3,5 2c t E vf 4/vk 1,2,3,5